Monday 17 November 2014

Alas, poor Johann

Nothing in her life
Became her like the leaving it.

The reluctant leader has departed the scene. In truth, although an honest and decent person, she was too small. Inspirational? Hardly. 

But she didn't go quietly. She was greatly quoted as accusing UK Labour colleagues of treating Scotland as a "branch office". 

Well, this member got a communication from Johann from the Glasgow Office on 25 September. I am so pleased to be writing to you to say: "We did it."
And enclosed was a leaflet - Sick of Waiting For a GP? Tell 10 of your friends about Labour's GP appointment guarantee. 
Now, unless this blogger is very much mistaken, that policy, which was announced by Milliband in May, refers to NHS England. Why would Johann send me it? Why would she tell me to tell of my friends about it? Truth is, poor Johann couldn't run even a branch office.

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